Sex In Psych 7 - Save Me a Seat

In the eyes of a college student, a Friday afternoon class has about the same appeal as non alcoholic beer. But it can happen when you get totally screwed at registration. And that’s exactly what happened to me during the spring semester of my sophomore year. But what could I do? There was a Psychcology class that I had to take, and the only time it was available was Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 PM. That’s right - Friday at 2 PM. An afternoon class on a Friday during spring semester should be against the law. It’s immoral! Friday afternoons in the spring were for taking coeds out to Hurricane Creek, planning trips to the liquor store, and getting ready for the weekend parties. They sure weren’t for sitting in a near empty auditorium and listening to some professor rail on about my Oedipal Complex. At least the news wasn’t all bad. I found out that Dr. Jerome Rosenberg would be teaching the course. ...