The Life Cycle of Junk, aka The World’s Longest Yard Sale It’s been a week, and I have finally recovered enough to write this post. That’s because last week I spent several days at the Worlds Longest Yard Sale. For those of you who don’t know, this piece of Americana is exactly what it says it is - a scenic stretch of rural, two lane highway that begins in Michigan and ends 690 miles and 8,000 Dollar General stores later in Alabama. All along the way there are yard sales - and lots of them. So, for a picker / hoarder it’s nirvana - a large number of yard sales concentrated into a small area. From single family affairs with one table in front of their trailer, to dozens and dozens of tents manned by dealers in huge fields, they’re everywhere. Thousands of merchants set up along this route, selling everything known to humankind. There are clothes, old tools, old signs, toys, furniture, puppies, glas...