Here’s My Sign

It’s nothing but an old wooden post down at edge the lake. It’s been there a while, at least 15 years, because we’ve owned the house that long. Maybe someone was using it as a light pole, maybe someone was using it to tie off their dock, I don’t know. Once I even considered cutting it down. But in a stroke of inspiration that probably came about from watching too many MASH reruns, I came up with a better use for it than firewood. I decided that I would make my own personal directional sign. It’s not a unique project. If you Google the term, “directional signs”, you get dozens of photos of them in all shapes, sizes, and colors. But I had to do something to make my sign unique. It had to fit in with the personality of the house. Our little cabin on Smith Lake is small and old, but I think it has a lot of character. Maybe that’s because we have tried to fill it with personal items. Almost everything has a story...