Senior Yoga, aka Twist & Shout

Getting old is about gains versus losses. Mostly losses. You lose your strength, you lose your balance, you lose hair, you lose your flexibility, you lose your memory. About all you gain is weight, although for men I suppose a larger prostate is a gain of sorts. As an avid senior golfer, I’ve lost something else - distance. Precious, precious distance. I used to hit long, towering drives that hung in the sky forever. Now my golf swing is producing harmless little pop flies you’d see at a 6 year old’s T Ball game. For those non-golfers reading my blog, distance is critical all to golfers. So when you get older and begin to lose it, you obsess about getting it back. It’s that important. How important? One of my friends said that if his doctor gave him the choice of a prescription for Viagra, or a pill that would give him 25 more yards more distance, he would take the yardage pill without fail. “Why would you do th...