Where’s There Smoke There’s Fire - And a Lawn Mower

If you drive by my house and see me cutting grass on a raggedy riding mower that looks like it came from Fred Sanford’s junk yard, please don’t laugh. It didn’t always look that way. Once it was a beautiful Cub Cadet lawn mower that would’ve been the envy of any homeowner. But, there was an incident that changed all that - the kind that always seems to happen to me. I don’t think this one was all my fault. That being said, I can face the facts. The truth is that I have a penchant for accidents, and screw ups. Everybody knows it. Carol’s Dad, a master of dry acerbic wit, once said when I walked in his house, “Come on in, Joe. Make yourself at home. Break something.” That’s a hard reputation to overcome. The lawnmower still runs, although it looks awful. Now the plastic hood cowl isn't attached to the body. It’s sitting under my deck in a contorted, twisted shape that would look perfect in a Picasso painting. The front is burned. Bot...