The Plane Truth

The other day I was talking to a friend who just took his first flight since COVID began. He said something that struck fear in my heart. “Joe, flying is worse now than it ever was.” So it seems the airlines have finally succeeded doing something I thought was impossible. Apparently they have found a way to make the flight experience even more miserable for us passengers. It’s like Satan adding humidity to hell. About the only thing left for them to do now is to have the flight attendants rake their fingernails on a blackboard. Airlines used to be all about serving the customer - but not now. I’m thankful that I’m not a regular flier any more. For over 20 years, I used to fly about once a month, so I consider myself a veteran of the skies. But things have changed. Now airlines have cut flights, amenities, and service, all while raising prices. It’s hard to believe that there was a time when I actually enjoyed getting on an airplane....