Pickup Trucks

I drive a pickup truck. That’s because I’m a man who lives in the south, and it’s the law. I’ve owned my latest truck for a couple of years now. When I bought it, the only option I was concerned about was the color - it had to be red. I decided that I needed something that would stand out in a parking lot when I couldn’t find my old silver pickup at the Piggly Wiggly. Luckily, the salesman at the dealer came up with a pickup in a shade of red that almost glows in the dark. Chevrolet’s correctly calls it “Pull Me Over Red”. The first truck I owned was a 1969 Chevy C10 that my father-in-law gifted me. Looking back, I can clearly see that trucks from that era are nothing like the ones we drive now. Now you can get all kinds of options: fancy leather interiors, dual climate controls, 5 star sound systems, sunroofs, and who knows how many electronic doo-dads. My latest truck even has a seat warmer, which I thought was as useless as a Bible for an athei...