My Music’s Better Than Yours
I saw a bumper sticker on a car not too long ago that said,”It’s not that I’m old, your music really does suck.” Preach it brother. Bob Seger put it best when he sang, “Call me a relic, call me what you will. Say I'm old-fashioned, say I'm over the hill. Today's music ain't got the same soul - I like that old time rock 'n' roll.” I might change the last line to, “today’s music sounds like a Buick that needs a brake job stopping on a hill.” You’re welcome, Bob. If you’re thinking,” Oh no, it’s not another one of old people telling us how bad our music is.” Well, buck up, Sparky, because it is. There is no doubt that many things in today’s world are better than they were a half century ago. But music ain’t one of them. And it’s not even close. The music in the 60’s 70’s and 80’s rules. Artists that most people under 35 don’t even know have influenced some of the so-called music that they listen to today. And I wish they had influ...