Old Theatre, Old Memories

I recently went to see Jackson Browne perform at the Alabama Theatre, and a curious thing happened. After the first song, he looked around and said, “I remember this theatre. What a nice place to play music.” It’s a nice place to do most anything. It’s old, it’s ornate, it’s beautiful. And like a lot of people, going to the Alabama brings back a wheelbarrow full of personal memories. As I looked around, time seemed to melt away. I came here as a kid. My big sister frequently brought me downtown to catch a Saturday matinee. I’ve performed standup comedy on this very stage in front of a packed audience. However, for me, there is one Alabama theater memory that burns brighter than the neon marquee out front. The Alabama was the site of my first date. (Incredibly, I looked everywhere inside the theatre and didn’t see a plaque marking the occasion.) While many of the details have faded like an old pair of jeans, others I recall...