You Can’t Keep A Good Girl Down - Even In Her Nineties!

I’m standing by my chair, waiting for a senior yoga class to begin. That’s because I am a senior, and someone convinced me that bending myself out of shape for an hour would make me feel better. I think it’s a lie, but I don’t have any evidence to prove it. However, a lot of people do believe it helps, because every week several dozen seasoned citizens walk into the YMCA, grab a chair, then twist, turn, stretch and bob. And I’m here too, just one more hopeful member of the geriatric yoga group. I always was one to follow the crowd. Before we began stretching and grunting, I struck up a conversation with a little old lady sitting next to me. Maybe I shouldn’t say old, because I’m old too. However, I’m sure there are lots of people in this class who are several years my elder. What a nice person my classmate Charlotte was. We begin to talk about a number of things, including our grandchildren - because by law, that’s what older people have to do. That’...