Like Father, Like Son

“Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” A chilling dose of reality hit me when I got a wake-up call from my son Brad at 5:30 AM - our first day at Disney. He wanted to make sure that my wife and I were going to be ready to depart at 6 AM to catch our bus so we could lineup for the early entrance at the Magic Kingdom. “Why do we have to leave at 6 AM?,” I asked. This seemed to be a legitimate question a normal human being would ask. We were staying inside the park, which meant we were about 12 minutes from the gate. And we were admitted 30 minutes before the general public. So logic tells you that leaving at 7:30 AM should give you more than enough time. But as we all know, the Magic Kingdom doesn’t operate on human logic, but park logic - which never makes any sense. He answered me like Einstein talking to an elementary school student, adding a dollop of sarcasm. “Because our trip planner told us we need to be waiting at ...