19 Things Boys Need Growing Up

As I look back on the life I lived, I seem to focus a lot on my childhood. I think most anyone does. As the time between now and then grows longer, our memories seem to grow fonder. However, I readily admit that life is mostly better nowadays, although it’s a lot more complicated. Nevertheless, many of us still pine for the simple days of long ago; the days before social media and iPhones ruled kid’s lives. The days when Google was a set of World Book Encyclopedias. There are lots of people, places, and things that were important to me when I was growing up (not including parents or siblings- that’s a given). All of them certainly enriched my childhood, and many of them gave me life lessons I still use to this day. Some of them got me in trouble, some of them gave me a heartache - of course, now I can see that it was all part of the growing up experience. Let me list a few of mine for you. I hope it makes you think about some of you...