Goodbye Bear Bear

You really couldn’t call it a stuffed animal. The best way to describe it was a teddy bear head attached to a tiny pink poodle skirt. It didn't even have a body. But it did have a couple of little arms, one of which had to be resewn because it was mauled by a dog. Its nose was almost chewed off because my granddaughter Rilynne bit it so many times. But it was her pride and joy - and it had been since the day she was born. I think her first words were “Bear Bear”, and so it had its name. They were inseparable. Anywhere that Rilynne went, Bear Bear had to go. There was no peace in my house unless Bear Bear was in her hand. On more than one evening, I had to go back to her Mommy’s house to get Bear Bear, or no one would get any sleep. We even bought an exact duplicate of this animal (appropriately named Spare Bear) to use in case of emergencies, but it would not do. Rilynne always knew the difference. When she was a...