To Skate Or Not To Skate

I just got out of bed and I’m sore.  Not regular 66 year old sore.  I’ve just about learned to accept that when I get up my lower back, shoulder, and feet are going to hurt. But this is different. This feels like a dozen Little Leaguers took turns beating me with an aluminum bat.  But I’m not complaining, because I knew this was going to happen. It’s because I chose to roller skate at at my granddaughter’s birthday  party.  

I used to be a pretty good skater. I could skate frontwards and backwards, hit the curves with right foot over left, go really fast.  But that was when the music they played over the speakers was The Beach Boys and not Doctor Dre. Rap at a skating rink?  What’s next, in-line skates?  Oh, wow, they had those too.  

Before I put on the skates, I was bragging - I was telling Rilynne I was going to be the best skater on the rink. I think I should’ve said I was going to be the best 66 year  on the rink.  That’s because I was the only 66 year old on the rink.  When I asked for my skates , the girl behind the counter stared at me like a dog staring at a ceiling fan. That’s ok, I was going to show them all.  

Why I thought I was immediately going to go back to 1970, I don’t know.  But from the very moment was I lacing up,  things seemed different.  The skates were heavy and cumbersome. And when I got up,  I was shaky-  like a new born colt trying to walk. So, when I hit the rink I didn’t glide, I took clunky steps like Frankenstein, flailing my arms for balance. I almost fell three times.  

Nevertheless, by the end of the session, I was making my way around OK.  I only fell once when a 9 year cut in front of me.  Stopping was still a problem. A couple of guys stopped to help. I guess they thought Paw Paw had broken a hip. 

Mercifully, after about an hour  the skates came off. And as we As we ate cake in the party zone, two of Rilynne’s friends said,”Wow, Mr. Hobby, you skate good.”  Mission accomplished.  

I replied, “ You should have seen me in 1970.”   

Now. excuse me.  I’ve got to go find some ibuprofen. 

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