Something Came Up

Well, it’s taken almost a half century, but I’m finally going to get it off my chest. It’s been long enough. The way I see it, It took less than 50 years after dropping the The Bomb on Japan for us to become allies. So if time can heal a wound like that, maybe Susan wonʼt hold a grudge. She might even laugh. Either way, I’m telling the story. It was the summer of 1970, one year before my high school graduation, and I was working at a golf course pro shop. Even though the air conditioning was preferable than the 90+ degrees outside, time was passing slower than cold ketchup pouring out of a bottle. No doubt it was because later I had a date with Susan. She was a cute, perky strawberry blonde, and we had been dating on and off for a month or two. Nothing serious, but we were having a good time. When I called her to confirm the pick up arrangements, Susan told me something had come up, and she had to break the date. No word on what that something was. What I...