The Corona Chronicles - Vol 5 It’s Over!

After 10 days, I got retested today. It was negative!  So, I hope that was my final experience with Corona.  I had to wait almost all day to get in the office  and get the result.  Locally, there are a few places that do same day testing, but they are in high demand.  However, on line registration, and keeping me informed of my wait time made things much easier,  enabling me to arrive about an hour before my test. No waiting in the car for 6 hours like my son and wife did.  

As sure as I was that I had Covid before I tested 10 days ago, I was equally sure that the test I took today was going to be negative.  But I tried not to think about it.   If I dwelled  on the fact that I didn’t still have it and turned out to be wrong, that would have been a major blow to my psyche.  I did not want to be in COVID timeout any more.  But I knew so many people were praying for me and my family - and that gave me a peaceful confidence as they swabbed my nose.  Twenty minutes later the nurse walked in with the good news.   Then she discussed how well I did fighting thru the fatigue.   What a difference 10 days make.   Ten days before, I got an apology before she told me I was positive.  It was what I expected, but it still came as a jolt.  I could almost taste that respirator in my mouth.  Then we talked about the P word - pneumonia.  For someone my age, that’s about as popular topic as Nancy Pelosi at a Trump rally.   Avoiding it was paramount. I was instructed to keep moving.   I did.   Hard walks every day even when I didn’t want to.  I was pushing oxygen deep into my lungs.  Fighting thru the fatigue. 

As each day went by, I began to realize that I was one of those  people who had a  mild case of the virus.  Looking back, it really wasn’t much worse than a sinus infection. I got by on a little Tylenol and very little cough medicine.  Other members of my family had cases worse than mine, weren’t but no one was even close to going to the hospital. 

Not everyone with Covid was as lucky.   I’ve had two friends die from COVID in the last 10 days, including someone 5 years younger than me who was in good overall health.  Wow. 

So my final piece of advice is to treat this for what it is: a dangerous, highly contagious virus.  But it’s not necessarily  a death sentence.  In fact, the overwhelming  majority survive.  But it can kill.  And until they come up with a vaccine, wear a mask  in public and sanitize your hands. Stay 6 feet from people. Over used advice I know, but I It’s all we got right now.  

Only thing for me to do now is wait and hope my taste comes back.  I miss chocolate.  

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