Do All Dogs Go To Heaven?

This is not lazy writing I wrote this piece a couple of years ago when the pain from the loss of my dog soulmate Precious was still raw. Since then I have a lot of new followers/ friends who have lost pets. I hope this will give them some comfort. You are gonna see them again “ If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” - Will Rogers WARNING: Before you begin reading, understand that what follows is written from the perspective of a dog lover. I freely admit my bias. And I don’t care if you agree, since it’s my opinion. A friend of mine has told me on more than one occasion that if dogs lived 60 years he probably I wouldn’t have any children. I couldn’t believe that statement in my heart - well, that is until I had teenagers of my own. But the fact is our dogs don’t live as long as we do. We only get about 10-15 years. With Reese and Roscoe only a few months old I...