Do All Dogs Go To Heaven?

This is not lazy writing   I wrote this piece a couple of years ago when the pain from the loss of my dog soulmate Precious was still raw.  Since then I have a lot of new followers/ friends who have lost pets.  I hope this will give them some comfort.  You are gonna see them again  

If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” - Will Rogers

WARNING:   Before you begin reading, understand that what follows is written from  the perspective of a dog lover. I freely admit my bias.   And I don’t care if you agree, since it’s my opinion.   

A friend of mine has told me on more than one occasion that if dogs lived 60 years he probably I wouldn’t  have any children.  I couldn’t believe that statement in my heart - well,  that is until I had teenagers of my own.  But the fact is our dogs don’t live as long as we do. We only get about 10-15 years. With Reese and Roscoe only a few months old I don’t have to ponder this now, but suffice it to say canine life span  will be one of the first questions I’m asking when I get to the other side. Along with, “Why did you even make snakes and alligators?”

Of course,  there  are a number of people who don’t believe we will see our pets on the other side.  That all dogs don’t go to heaven.  I have about the same regard these misguided souls  as I do for those revealed the ending of The Avengers movie.  Even so, when I lost my bird dog Precious,  that school of thought  concerned me. So much so that I set out to do research on this topic.  Maybe it was part of the grieving process. 

Not surprisingly  there are only two schools of thoughts on this topic.  Yes they do and no they don’t.  No gray area here. And boy I have read some nasty comments on both sides of the arguments.  I’m talking Pelosi - Trump,  Alabama - Auburn nasty. 

You get the standard arguments that are probably familiar to all of us by now. No Dog  says that animals don’t have souls, and there’s no specific mention of animals in heaven. Go Dog  counters by saying  God loves all creatures, and that Jesus returns on a horse which ain’t a dog but sure is an animal. Oh, don’t forget the book of Revelation where the lion lays with the lamb.  On and on it goes. Chasing their tails if you will. 

While I can’t go with the Rainbow Bridge, I was convinced by the late Rev. Billy Graham, i.e "America's Pastor.” He once said, "I think God will have prepared everything for our perfect happiness. If it takes my dog being there (in Heaven), I believe he'll be there." And if it’s good enough for ‘ol Billy, it’s good enough for me.  ‘Nuff said. (And if it’s not, then know C. S. Lewis believed the same thing)

So,if you don’t like what I said, you can’t say you weren’t warned. 


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