Lake Yoga

I knew that tonight I wouldn’t get much sleep. No surprise - it happens about this time every year. Let me explain. Earlier in the day, I put both of my personal water craft on the lake - tuned up and ready for summer. Now with the promise of a warm, clear morning just a few hours away, soon it would be time for the season’s first ride. And for me, that always means a sleepless night of anticipation. From the first time I ever rode a jet ski, something resonated with me. The term Personal Watercraft is an accurate description because it’s so… personal. Please understand that I’m not the guy who jumps wakes and zig zags across choppy water. My chiropractor would love that. Instead, you will find me on the lake in the early morning when the day is new and the water is as smooth as baby skin. That’s when I’ll be carving lazy turns and exploring sloughs while listening to the steady drone of the motor. It creates a p...