Back In The Saddle Again

I never officially retired from comedy. I kind of faded into the sunset. I suppose I could trace the time back to when Jay Leno quit the Tonite Show. He tried to help me get together with Jimmy Fallon, but it just didn’t work out. And when I stopped writing jokes every day for Jay, maybe the sense of urgency to “think funny” stopped. But I firmly believe that the cumulative effect of my son’s drug addiction, coupled with him being shot, arrested, and spending 7 years in a federal prison, caused something to die in me. It was comedy. What used to be a burning desire to write and perform shrunk to a pilot light. It didn’t seem to matter anymore. I have told close friends that dealing with all the problems my son had raped me of my spirit. It was collateral damage from his drug use. Addiction sucks. So, aside from the occasional smart alec remark on social media, I left comedy alone. Oh, I would occasionally find ...