My Testimony

It was almost time. Thirty minutes before I was to go on stage, we did a sound check. The AV person made sure the volume levels on my wireless microphone were perfect, and then let me know how far I could pace to stay in camera range. Since I move around a lot when I’m on stage, I carefully made a mental note of that information. Twenty minutes before I was to go on stage, I was escorted into a small room with a chair in the middle. At first glance, it reminded me of a place someone would take you to extract a confession. But it was far from that. I sat down, the door closed and about 10 people surrounded me, put their hands on me, and one by one prayed for me. I’ve never had that done to me before. It felt well, amazing. My time finally came. I took two steps up, and just like that I was on stage again, staring into the bright lights, while several hundred people waited. I began to speak. However, unlike all the other times, laugh...