Attack Of The Killer Frisbee

I am not an athlete - never have been. I wasn’t picked last in the school playground games, but I was, shall we charitably say, usually in the lower percentile group. I tried to play football in high school but I was not very good. Plenty big, but too slow. Then I cracked a vertebrae, which ended my NFL aspirations. Golf was and is my passion, and I am a decent player - but I lack any natural ability. Whatever skills I have were acquired by spending countless hours on the practice tee. So I’m envious of anyone who is a “natural athlete”, those people who excel at every sport they play because of a God-given gift. My gift was writing and making people laugh - whoopty do! But there was an exception. There one sport that I was good at. I was a natural from the first time I picked one up. I could throw a Frisbee. Thank you Wham-O! Now there are a number of sports and competitions that involve the iconic disc, but in the late sixties, it...