Rasslin' - It’s Not Fake - Is It?

Our usual Sunday post-church visit to my grandparents house was unusual that day. Things were kind of quiet. Normally, when my sister and I barged thru the front door like a giant pitcher of Kool Aid, we were greeted by my grandfather. He would fold up the Sunday paper and stand up to say hello. However, on this particular day, he just sat in his recliner, barely speaking to us. We went straight to the kitchen to report this odd behavior to my grandmother. “Memaw, is something wrong with granddaddy?”, I asked. My grandmother nodded and said, “Well, honey, your granddaddy had kind of a bad night last night.” “What happened?” “We went to see his doctor on Friday, and doc’s been telling him to quit getting so excited about things because it’s not good for his heart. Well, your grandfather didn’t listen, and the doctor finally laid down the law. He said granddaddy can’t watch wrestling anymore. And last night was the first Saturday night he had...