Arguments - I Can’t Win!

One of the most memorable lines I ever heard in high school was delivered to my friend Randy Culbreth when he got into a heated disagreement with our English teacher, Mrs. Duncan. After about five exasperating minutes, she put an end to it when she said, “If you want to argue,‘lil Randy, get yourself a wife.” Words of wisdom, Mrs. Duncan. If you’re in a relationship for any length of time, you are going to have arguments. And when it comes to Carol, my wife of almost 50 years, I’ve learned how to handle them - I just give up. That’s because I finally realized I’m not equipped with the arguing skills she has. I firmly believe the ability to effectively bicker is a genetic trait of the female species. Everyone knows that since the dawn of time men have been the hunter-gathers and women have been the arguers. In fact, I’ll bet that lots of prehistoric men came in from a hard day of hunting, only to hear their spouse say, “Why did you leave all of those dinosaur bones laying around t...