Drive Ins - Get In The Trunk!

I would guess most kids growing up today wouldn’t want anything that their parents had. We had three channels. They have about 300. We barely had black and white TV. They have color and high def. We had a single home phone that was tethered to the wall with a cord. They have one on their wrist. But we had one thing that I’m sure most of this generation is missing out on - the drive-in movie. What a wonderful thing it was - watching a motion picture under a starry sky while you were in the comfort of your own car. It was almost magical. Rows of cars and speakers facing a giant silver screen. Being indoors and outdoors at the same time. As a child, going to the drive in was a major event. My sister and I would put on our pajamas (the kind with sewn-in feet), get blankets and pillows, and head for the back seat of our 1963 Chevy Impala. Mom, always the thrifty homemaker, popped a copious amount of popcorn and placed it in a brown paper grocery bag. No n...