
Showing posts from 2025

He-woe In The Snow

One thing that’s funny about snow in the south is how we will desperately try to find something to use to slide down an icy hill.  Besides the folks who buy 6 gallons of milk and 10 loaves of bread when they see a snowflake, lots of southerners will begin to search for anything that might give them a chance to take a icy, fast ride.  Most of the time their creations fail - but, it’s usually because there’s not enough snow on the ground. Hey, even an Olympic bobsled won’t work in a dusting of snow. However, on the rare occasion when we get a few inches of the white stuff, people will pull out you-name-it; garbage can lids, pieces of laminate, a cookie sheet, inner tubes, dog beds, even a cardboard box wrapped in a garbage bag, to  joy ride down a steep, slick incline.  Fortunately for me and my three boys,   years ago I built a nice wooden homemade sled. I even nailed a couple of flat curtain rods to the bottom, which made that sucker really fast. Most of th...