My First Kiss

Since February is the month of love, and I have a signed, notarized contract from my wife, I’ve decided to write this story. So, if I come up missing, or you drive by my house and see all of my stuff in a pile by the mailbox, you will know that she chose not to abide by our agreement. I’m going to tell you about my first kiss. This wasn’t a good night kiss from mommy, or a peck on your cheek from your Aunt Eileen; I’m talking about a real face to face, lip to lip, kiss from a girl my own age. Some of the details are a bit fuzzy; that’s what time will do. However, many of the events that day are still clear in my mind, so it obviously had an impact on me. It’s not unusual - lots of people I’ve talked to remember their first kiss. For a 12 year old boy, there’s no better place for a first kiss than the woods. That’s where it happened for me. There was a big rope swing in a forest not too far from my house where kids would gather regularly. On this ...