My First Kiss


Since February is the month of love, and I have a signed, notarized contract from my wife, I’ve decided to write this story. So, if I come up missing, or you drive by my house and see all of my stuff in a pile by the mailbox, you will know that she chose not to abide by our agreement.  I’m going to tell you about my first kiss. This wasn’t a good night kiss from mommy, or a peck on your cheek from your Aunt Eileen; I’m talking about a real face to face, lip to lip, kiss from a girl my own age.

Some of the details are a bit fuzzy; that’s what time will do. However, many of the events that day are still clear in my mind, so it obviously had an impact on me. It’s not unusual - lots of people I’ve talked to remember their first kiss. 

For a 12 year old boy, there’s no better place for a first  kiss than the woods. That’s where it happened for me.  There was a big rope swing in a forest not too far from my house where kids would gather regularly.  On this particular day, Marcia was there - a cute, sweet girl in my 6th grade class. Marcia was already 13, and had gone thru a couple of boyfriends, so she was several exits past me on the make-out highway.   

Somehow, we ended up alone for a few minutes in a small clearing above the path. For whatever reason, Marcia decided it was time to administer a teachable moment to a student. 

Once she pulled me close to her I was:

a) surprised

b) scared to death

c) excited 

d) all of the above

The correct answer is d).  

Initially, I had no idea this was going to happen. Marcia was cute, popular, and as I was about to learn, quite worldly. I thought she was out of my league. When I realized what was about to occur, a jolt of fear shot thru me. “What if I do it wrong?”, I thought. 


I was stunned when the lesson began. We kissed, and whoa!  It felt like an electric shock went all the way to my toes. I wasn’t sure what she was doing, but it sure wasn’t anything anyone had done to me before.  I hadn’t even talked about this kind of thing with my buddies.  Marcia was very cool and confident. I went along with her as best I could, not knowing whether to bite, suck, cough, or gag. 

Within a couple of seconds, it was over. Maybe I pulled back because I was still scared.  She gave me a warm smile as I stood there trying to process what happened.  It was like Yoda had just taught young Skywalker a valuable life lesson. “Kiss you, I did.”, she could have said.  We returned to the swing. Wow!  My life had forever changed.  

I saw Marcia several years ago when she came to see me perform at The Comedy Club. It was a grand reunion. We hugged and laughed. I said, “It’s so good to see the first girl I ever kissed.”  

I don’t think her husband minded.  

I’ll paraphrase Jay Leno, who says that your first time to be on the Tonight show is like the first time you kissed someone. It happened fast, and you weren’t very good at it, but you knew you wanted to do it again. 

And he was right. 

Joe Hobby is a comedian from  Alabama who wrote for Jay Leno for many years. 

Find more of Joe’s stories on his blog: Also, follow him on Facebook at: Joe Hobby Comedian- Writer


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