Mark & Brian’s Homemade Humor Contest

It was 1985. I had been out of college for a decade and was well into my third job, climbing the corporate ladder. However, there was a little voice inside my head that I kept hearing. Clearly, I had an itch in my life that hadn't been scratched. When comedians are asked, “Why did you start doing comedy?” Many times they answer, “I just had to.” I believe that’s the truth. However, at the time, the infection that would become stand-up comedy and comedy writing had not manifested itself in me just yet. It was certainly something that intrigued me - an ember that was fanned by the likes of Johnny Carson, David Letterman, and especially Saturday Night Live. That pull was so strong that I even considered going to Chicago and enrolling in Second City, SNL’s talent feeder program. But a wife, two young kids, and a mortgage put a damper on that dream. Ah, the road not taken. A Birmingham morning radio team, Mark and Brian, were of also of i...