Fore Decades Later....

Forty years is a hec kuva long wait for a tee time. But that’s how much time has elapsed since I played golf with one of my college fraternity brothers, Mike. When I was fresh out of college part of my sales territory included Huntsville, Alabama. So, when I was in town I would always make it a point to visit Mike and his wife who were working there. We would try to play golf in the afternoon then drink a couple of beers at his house. Just two guys in their early twenties beginning families and transitioning from college to the adult world. Then Mike got transferred. My territory changed. And what’s worse, life began to get in our way. Mortgages, car payments, children, and work became the center of our existence. Newfound, nearby friends began to push the old, far-away friends to the background. It wasn’t malicious or conscious, but it happened anyway. And so the days melted into weeks, then months, then year...