Fore Decades Later....

Forty years is a heckuva long wait for a tee time. But that’s how much time has elapsed since I played golf with one of my college fraternity brothers, Mike.  When I was fresh out of college part of my sales territory included Huntsville, Alabama.  So, when I was in town I would  always make it a point to visit Mike and his wife who were working there.  We would try to play golf in the afternoon then drink a couple of beers at his house.  Just two guys in their early twenties beginning families and transitioning from college to the adult world.  Then Mike got transferred. My territory changed. And what’s worse, life began to get in our way. Mortgages, car payments, children, and work became the center of our existence.  Newfound, nearby friends began to push the old, far-away friends to the background. It wasn’t malicious or conscious, but it happened anyway.

And so the days melted into weeks, then months, then years, and finally decades. 

So, with the personal introspection and the desire to reconnect that had come with being in my  sixties (go back and read my post called The Fourth Quarter at:, I was more than delighted when Mike reached out to me and suggest we get together on the golf course.  We quickly set up a time to play. 

I’m sure Mike, like me, wondered if we would even recognize each other after 40 years.  That’s a long time for gravity, sun, and bad eating habits to change a person’s appearance. It was an unfounded fear - we instantly made the connection when we spotted one another outside of the golf shop.   No handshake,  we went straight to a hug - damn the social distancing.   Despite the thinner hair and the thicker waistline, we were both who we always were, sixtysomething versions of our old selves. We had lunch and caught up on 4 decades of life.  From the minute we saw each other we seemed to pick up right where we left off.   It was like it always was.  I’m sure many of you have experienced this phenomenon - it’s a wonderful gift of true friendship.  

As you might suspect,  golf was secondary to the fellowship.  We walked down the fairways talking, laughing, and telling stories, some of which were even true. 

Then in a ritual that began years ago, we took a post round drive to his house and drank a couple of beers on the patio. Stories continued to flow. Finally it was time to say goodbye. We parted ways, vowing to talk again soon. We will. 

The day passed so quickly.  I can’t remember a time when I enjoyed myself so. 

So Mike and I have come full circle.  Friends who let life get in the way, and drifted in separate directions, only to come back together again.  Is the desire to reconnect something that all people in their sixties experience?  I can’t say. But as I play the fourth quarter of my life, it’s something I will continue to do. Speaking personally, I think it enriches my time here, and I’m a better person for it. 

Besides, he beat me by four shots.  So we have to play again. 

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