Boat Therapy

It’s just a small place on a big lake. Only about 1,000 square feet - I guess you can call it a house, just barely. As a point of reference, the deck we added is a almost bigger than the home. The running joke is that people will come boating by and say, “Wow, look at the house on that deck.” But it’s ours. For thirteen years we have built, rebuilt, and spent money on it. It’s been a labor of love. We especially enjoy sharing it with friends and family like Skip and Tammy. They are two close friends who visit regularly. Tammy actually grew up on this lake and has a great love for It. So when she unexpectedly lost her Mom last week, I hugged her at the funeral home and whispered, “You know anytime you and Skip want the lake house to get away, it's yours.” For those who don’t know, every recreational lake is really two lakes: the weekend lake and the weekday lake. The weekend lake is loud, crowded, and boisterous. ...