Look Out Tina Fey!

Last week, I blogged about how my dog Reese pulled my pants, mooning my 8 year old granddaughter, Rilynne.  This weekend, I asked her to pen her account of the story, promising to post it if she did.  She kept her end of the deal,  and now I’m keeping mine. Here it is, unedited.  Let me know what you think.  And for goodness sakes, please like it - she’s sure to ask me that number!    

The Funny Story

It was a nice day.   And we were getting ready to go on a walk. .And if we said the word walk our dogs would go crazy.  And my granddaddy was getting the leashes ready and when he was on his way out of the bedroom and said the word and the dogs went crazy.  And a little bit too crazy.  So crazy that when my grandaddy got to the living room our dog Reese jumped on his back and pulled his pants and underwear down and it was really funny. And after she did that he said it is not the first time.  Oh my gosh he said it’s happened to Uncle Matt and that’s funny.  And a very similar thing happened at my cheer game one kid started it and it kept going people were just pantsing everywhere it was hilarious I haven’t seen anybody doing it ever since obviously they got caught. It was so funny I wish it could happen again.😂 hopefully it doesn’t happen at any cheer games this year.  It would be funny though. 

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