A Chip Off The Ol’ Block

I have to admit, when I first heard the story I was conflicted. The Dad in me was very concerned that my son would behave disrespectfully towards an authority figure. But, in all honesty, The Comic in me was elated. You may not know this, but all comedians rejoice when one of their own hammers a heckler that deserves it. And when the person doing the hammering is your son, well, that makes it even better. As many of you know, I have three boys. And I can see a little of me in all of them. My oldest son Matt loves classic rock n roll, and is very artistic. His favorite medium is pencil and ink, just like his Dad. My youngest son Brad loves practical jokes. He also has a running commentary about stupid things he sees. And he’s competitive. That’s me. Then there’s my middle son Jeff. He has a lightning fast wit, and loves puns, jokes, and wordplay. He’s skilled at all three. My wife Carol laughs a lot ha...