Disney & Prison - A Lot Alike?


Here’s a conversation I had with Siri today:

Me: “Hey Siri, what’s the 7 day weather forecast for Orlando, Florida?”

Siri: “For the next week in Orlando you can expect scattered thunderstorms with highs hovering around 94, and lows ranging from 76 to 79.”

Me: “So, with the rain - the humidity will make it even more miserable, right?”

Siri: “Yes, that is correct.”

Me:  “Siri, does that mean when I’m at Walt Disney World, with all the crowds and the concrete absorbing the heat, I could be at risk for a heatstroke?”

Siri:  “What the hell are you going to Disney in June for?” 

Siri asks a good question.  I’m wondering why I’m going to Disney at all. Many of you have read my prior blog post called A Disney Disaster.  This is the follow up.  Now as grandparents, we have been asked to accompany my son and grandkids to the land of the mouse. My physical stamina and emotional well being will be tested to the max. Think Battan Death March with mouse ears. 

I’ve been to this part of the country  many times.  Disney World is not that far from the Federal prison complex where my son spent several years. We visited there regularly.  And as I thought about this trip I’m making, I discovered that there are similarities between both places.  For example: 

  • Prison and Disney prefer you to remain in a confined area for the length of your stay. 
  • Prison and Disney both have long lines, and people who get quite impatient waiting in them.
  • Prison and Disney have people there from all over the country. 
  • Prison and Disney both suffer from overcrowding. 
  • Prison and Disney are full of people that don’t use deodorant.
  • Prison and Disney only allow visitors at specified times and limit the amount of people who can be there on any given day. 
  • You are very happy when you leave prison and Disney. 
  • A period of adjustment is always needed when you after you return prison and Disney. 
  • You will soon discover after leaving both prison and Disney that you are  broke with no prospects for the foreseeable future. 

Update: tomorrow’s high is 97 with extreme humidity.  I may be forced to  ride Space Mountain after eating a big lunch.   

Pray for me.  

Find more of Joe’s stories on his blog: https://mylifeasahobby.blogspot.com/?m=1. Also, follow him on Facebook at: Joe Hobby Comedian- Writer


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