The Official State Toy

I just read that a couple of states have official toys. I don’t get it. I’m not sure why a state has to have an official anything, but they do. Out of curiosity, I checked and my home state of Alabama has all kind of official things: an official motto, official tree, official nut, official bird, official insect, official song, official gemstone and even an official fair. But no official toy - yet. Kansas was the first state to claim an official toy; an Etch A Sketch - which was invented and manufactured in Ohio. I don’t get it. That makes about as much sense as having an official toy in the first place. Mercedes are made in Alabama, and they’re considered German cars. It just wouldn’t be right for us to claim them. Besides, the official vehicle of Alabama should be an old pickup truck. Mississippi made the Teddy Bear their official toy a few years ago. Unlike Kansas, at least they have some kind of connection to the toy. The Teddy Bea...