Honk If You’ve Lost Your Car

Hey! It’s hard to believe that this is my 200th blog. As I looked over my writing for the last few years, I noticed that many of them had a common theme, namely me doing something stupid. This one is no exception. Read on. I own a red Chevrolet pick up truck. When I bought it a few years ago, I decided that it would be a good idea to buy a bright color. That’s because on more than one occasion, I couldn’t find my old truck, a silver Toyota, at the local Piggly Wiggly. When you lose a vehicle in a small grocery store parking lot, it’s time to make some life changes. Of course, misplacing your car for a few minutes at the Pig is nothing compared to my lost car episode in Minnesota. During my sales career, I would fly into a city, and upon landing, head to the rental car desk, and always request a Ford Taurus. When you’re on the road, a little familiarity is a source of comfort. And I had rented so many Tauruses for so long I was familiar with all of...