The Corona Chronicles Vol. 3 - Not Me!

Day 5  -   Just woke up, went out on my deck and spotted three black crows on my pier.  Not what you wanna see when you have Corona.   Good thing I’m not superstitious.  Besides how can you be worried when you’re wearing your lucky t shirt?

When people read my first post about COVID, I got  lots of questions  about the timeline, the symptoms, and the transmission of ‘Rona. So as a public service, I’ll let you know what happened.  Don’t guess this post will be funny, but I’ll try. 

Our youngest son who is a RN, lives w us and was exposed at work. They did a 24 hour test which was positive, and then he packed up and headed to our place at the lake for isolation.   We sprayed  Lysol and alcohol everywhere. Used bleach too.       

The next day I had a stuffy nose.  It felt like allergies and I thought nothing of it.  Then I began to get headaches In the morning.  Still, it seemed like sinusitis and nothing more.  The morning of the second headache I walked my dogs and was a bit short of breath at the end.   Still, I felt ok.   But that night,  I noticed I was losing taste. That did it.   We headed out to get tested early the next day.   I felt certain I had COVID,  primarily because of  short breath and no taste.  And while I certainly didn’t want it, I believed (and still believe) that I would survive it.  What I didn’t want was hospitalization and/or a respirator. 

My instincts were correct.   I got the quick swab and within 20 minutes they gave me the news.  Sobering reality.  I was told to isolate, and to power thru the fatigue; that is, stay active. The point is to keep the oxygen deep in the lungs to prevent pneumonia.  COVID attacks there.  

Now I’m in isolation at the lake.   What a blessing it is to have this place.  So quiet and peaceful.  I have walked and done light yard work everyday.  BUT since I left our primary residence, all of my immediate family has now been tested and everyone has it -  my wife, my three boys, and my granddaughter.   It’s a Coronapalooza! 
 What’s interesting about  this situation is all of us have slightly different symptoms.   For example, I’ve had headache, loss of taste, and some stuffiness.  It honestly still feels like a sinus infection. My son Brad had terrible headaches and muscular pains.  Others in my fam have had fever, extreme abdominal cramps, nausea, but no loss of taste.  Looks like Corona picks and chooses how to attack.  

My advice to everyone is to respect this disease and take it seriously.  I have been fortunate enough to have a mild case. My friend and fellow comedian Mickey Dean did not. He died from Covid yesterday.  It’s always gonna be the other guy until it’s not.  I’m evidence of that.  Wear the mask, sanitize your hands, and practice social distancing.  Do it! The doctor said it is highly contagious.

I hope this answers any questions you have about it.  Obviously it’s my own  personal experience.  Feel free to reach out if you need any more info.   I decided to blog about it so that my experience may help someone.  

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