The Corona Chronicles Vol. 2 I’m Tasteless

I’m eating a breakfast burrito - or it it a Chili Dog?  Wait,  maybe  it’s a spicy tuna roll, or a glazed donut.   Right now it could be any of the above because currently my taste buds don’t know Little Debbie from Chef Boyardee.   All compliments of good ol’ COVID. 

Granted, it seems my case of the virus isn’t near as bad as so many others (although I was told to be vigilant because it  can change quickly).   So, even though I have COVID  right now, I feel lucky.   Just a daily headache, occasional mild cramps, some shortness of breath, and a general blah feeling.    

However,  like so many people who have it, I’ve lost my sense of taste and smell.  Beginning to lose my taste was one of the things that made me think I had COVID and not a case of seasonal allergies.  This symptom seems like a level of Dante’s Purgatory personalized just for me.  I love to cook and eat, unlike my wife who believes recipe is a four letter word.  It even drives her crazy because I can be eating a meal I prepared while I’m watching a cooking show on the Food Network.  Now I can only discern that the food is salty, spicy, or slightly sweet.  For those of you who can’t relate, it’s a lot like trying to taste food when you have a bad cold.  All you have is a sense of texture. 

Since I knew all of this, why did I carefully prepare two hot dogs last night?  I cooked them, then added mustard, ketchup, and onions to the bun before asking myself, “What’s  the point of all this?  I guess it’s nice to eat something that you can at least relate to visually.  

Most people get their senses back within 2-6 weeks. However, there are others who take much  longer if they get it back at all.  I only hope that I’m in the majority.   Because the only advantage I can see for not having a sense of smell is being able to go into any service station restroom without holding my breath. 

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  1. Hi Joe! Here is some wierdness for you. Reilly, Bo, and I all had symptoms similar to yours, including loss of taste and smell, but tested negative. Reilly and Bo had two negative tests. Watkins has an employee test positive, then Bo got sick, then Reilly, and then me. I was sick of he shortest amount of time. All of our taste and smell came back within 10 days to 2 weeks. Also, Teladoc prescribed a Z pack for me and it really helped. I guess I will never know if it was sinus or Covid. Hope you improve quickly and that Carol and other family do okay. Tell Carol to call us if she needs anything.


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