The Corona Chronicles

Ok, let’s get it out in the open.  I have Corona.  I tested positive a couple of days ago after experiencing  headaches for about 3 days.  I passed them off as seasonal allergies, but when I woke up Sunday with some shortness of breath,  it was time to be tested.  I tested positive and my wife did not - something I will hold over her head forever.  Not surprisingly, from the minute we got the results, I was packing my bags.  After a pickup order from the grocery store, I was out the door.   Fortunately, we have a little place on a big lake about 90 minutes from our home. And I promise you as I look across the placid water, there are worse places to be banished for 10 days.  That’s when they want me to be retested.  

I know all the cases are different, but  I don’t feel too bad.  It feels like a sinus headache.  Yesterday I walked almost two miles and did some light yard work.  The doctor told me I need to fight thru the fatigue to keep my lungs clear - 66 year old lungs do not need pneumonia.   

I’m not the only family member with the ‘Rona. My youngest son and his 8 year old daughter have it.  That’s probably where I got it.  But the symptoms dramatically differ between us.  Mine appear to be fairly mild so far.  My son’s symptoms included horrible headaches for several days and muscle cramps. My granddaughter, God bless her, is having such severe abdominal cramps that she went to the emergency room.  So my unscientific study would indicate that the virus affects people in a number of different ways - some obviously worse than others. 

That’s it for now.  Looks like there is a break in the rain and I’m putting on my walking shoes. I respect this virus.  But I plan to beat it.  

I’ll stay in touch. What else do I have do do but write? 

I wonder - is American Pickers on tonite? 

Please like and share! 



  1. Joe, take the very best of care. Looking forward to hearing you are all well again!

  2. Wow, Joe, didn't know you had the Rona. Will pray for a swift recovery.


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