The Geri-Rockers

In the past few years, I’ve made a concerted effort (pun intended) to connect with some the music of my youth, you know - the good stuff.  That means I’ve tried to see some artists that I’ve missed along the way.  So I’ve attended a bunch of concerts including  Paul McCartney,  James Taylor, The Eagles, The Doobie Brothers, Three Dog Night, Grand Funk Railroad, and Jackson Browne.  As you might expect, not all of the bands have their original members. Some have quit the group, some have stop touring, and some, due to the passage of time and a rock ‘n roll lifestyle, have gone on to that great concert in the sky. For example, Three Dog Night was missing a couple of dogs, and Grand Funk Railroad was without one of their original box cars.   

I’ve also discovered that old music has given rise to a whole new industry - the tribute band. These are groups which only play the music of a specific band. Some of these musical ensembles are better than others, but all the ones I’ve seen have been pretty dang good.  For example, The Fab Four is a Beatles tribute that is as close as you will ever get to seeing John, Paul, George, and Ringo. They were so realistic that I expected a tribute Yoko Ono to come on stage and try to break them up. 

My first experience with this genre of music was a group that covered the Allman Brothers. I’m a big fan of the original boys from Macon, so I was skeptical. After all, these are Allman Brothers songs they were playing. How good could they be? I found out quickly when they opened with a version of Statesboro Blues that would’ve made Duane and Greg proud. I was blown away. This band, named The End of the Line, hit the mark. 

Fortunately, for me, I’ve discovered a place that features outdoor concerts with lots of tribute bands. The setting is the Trussville, Alabama entertainment district located smack dab in the middle of TrussVegas. Towns all over the south are building comparable facilities, and with good reason. They are an asset for their community. Trussville has a nice outdoor stage with a covered pavilion, and green space where kids can, and do run around like, well… kids.  On a warm summer night all I need is a good band, a couple of lawn chairs, a burger with an adult beverage or two, and I’m the promised land.   

The location of the venue has provided some special moments. Cash Back, another fine band that pays homage to Johnny Cash, was in concert last summer. As they were playing Folsom Prison Blues, a train, which regularly travels on the tracks just behind the stage, passed through, blowing its horn.  The lead guitarist looked over at the drummer, and they both smiled and nodded to one another. Talk about being at the right place at the right time.  True serendipity. 

What started as a couple of couples has grown to a larger group as I began to extol the virtues of this venue to my friends.  It’s an easy sell - for starters, the music’s free. It’s also relaxing, fun, and everyone’s home by 10ish (which I know is a little late for some of us, but what the heck - live on the edge). Now our little posse has grown to as many as a couple of dozen, depending on the weather and the artist. 

One particular Saturday evening, a large group of us was camped out in our folding chairs, singing and swaying to some seventies tunes. That’s when one of our friend’s daughters looked at us, starting laughing, and said, “Ya’ll are the Geri-Rockers.”  The name stuck, and now our group is officially the Geri-Rockers - sporting blue hair, white hair, long hair, and no hair; living with bursitis, arthritis, and high blood pressure. Some of us walk around with artificial hips and knees. It’s true that we are getting along in the years, but we still get down, enjoying talented artists playing the best music that ever was. Of course they’re not original - but they’re the closest thing you’ll ever see to Tom Petty and Lynyrd Skynard in this day and time. 

If you’re nearby, and even if you’re not, check the schedule and come join us.  Of course, it’s BYOC - Bring Your Own  Chair. You will instantly become a member. There are no requirements, club dues, or secret handshakes.  

But you are expected to sing along. 








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