The Leaves and the Lake

It’s not a major bucket list thing, but for years I have said I was going to do it. And I haven’t. Little things like work kept getting in the way. But now that I’m freshly retired, there was no good reason not to follow up on my intent. Surprisingly I’ve learned that most retirees are busy, but they usually have schedules that are flexible. And it seemed to be perfect way to refresh your soul after dealing with 2020. So I was finally going to do it. Yep, this was the year I was going take a boat trip to look at the leaves change. Fortunately, I have the perfect venue to view nature’s handiwork - it’s Smith Lake in north central Alabama. This man made beauty has over 500 miles of shoreline, much of it flanked by the Bankhead National Forest. So it’s chock full of hills thick with pines and hardwoods, limestone bluffs, and natural waterfalls. Every season is pretty, but it’s especially gorgeous in autumn. The timing was almost ...